2020前端設計UX/UI打工遊學課程(48週有薪實習) @RED Acedemy


★ 有薪實習畢業後,95%畢業後就業率
★ 互動式學習,以實際客戶需求作為案例學習

前端設計UX/UI證書課程(Full-Stack Designer Work-Study)旨在為畢業生提供對核心技能,工具和技術的深入了解,以使他們成為UX / UI設計師而獲得成功。界面和體驗設計是最終用戶如何看待產品或服務的定義元素。設計體驗不僅限於產品外觀:它從確定人類需求開始,到創建完美像素界面結束。隨著當今消費者對完美無瑕,高質量體驗的期望越來越高,設計的口才可能成為決定企業成功或成敗的因素。

2020前端設計UX/UI打工遊學課程(48週有薪實習) @RED Acedemy出色的數位設計師具有UX和UI技能,能夠從頭開始設計任何網站或應用程序。這個為期96週的計劃(側重於UI + UX)旨在教會您創建令人愉悅的視覺設計所需的技能和知識,這些視覺設計適合該品牌,同時平衡無縫交互性和應用程序和網站的導航便利性。

在Full-Stack Designer計劃的前48周中,您將參與創作過程,並學習如何應用以人為本的設計原則來為應用程序和網站創建引人入勝的用戶界面。您將學習UX和UI設計的技術方面,同時建立在代理,啟動或自由職業者環境中的跨學科團隊工作的技能。然後,您將開始為期48週的帶薪實習,在此期間您將繼續應用在計劃中學到的技能。

通過註冊課程,您將向頂尖的行業專業人士學習,與社區合作夥伴一起參與現實世界的項目,與我們其他RED Academy課程的學生合作,建立聯繫,並在設計,技術和招聘方面與招聘合作夥伴和專業人員建立聯繫新興行業,並建立具有切實成果的強大產品組合,以快速啟動您作為UX / UI設計師的職業。


上課時間:6pm-9pm(週一-週五), 10am-5pm(週六)

開課日期:04/04, 10/03


費用試算 還可以email報價單給自己喔!


(200.00 加幣)










* 此為必填欄位


1. 滿19歲或是高中畢業
2. 托福iBT 90 or 雅思學術 6.5 or Duolingo 115 or 通過合作語言學校的訓練
3. 通過RED Academy團隊成員的Skype面試


2020前端設計UX/UI打工遊學課程(48週有薪實習) @RED Acedemy課程內容

HUMAN-CENTRIC DESIGN Convey effective interviews and surveys to identify real human needs, and leverage those insights to guide you through the design and testing processes. USER RESEARCH Learn a range of industry research methods and approaches to understanding and deconstructing the expectations of your users. INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE Learn the process of structuring the design of shared information environments with user behaviours in mind. WORKFLOW AND CLIENT MANAGEMENT Understand how to work with clients, manage expectations and set up workflows that deliver the results clients are looking for. USABILITY TESTING Explore various user testing methods to help inform the optimization of the your designs to create more effective experiences. DESIGN THINKING Work with a thought-process that bridges users and business requirements for the most impactful design possible. WEB & APP DESIGN Design responsive websites and apps considering their specific technologies and platforms. MOBILE DESIGN Master how to design responsive layouts, touch interactions and input techniques. TYPOGRAPHY, COLOUR & COMPOSITION Create coherent and balanced designs by making good use of colour, typography and other visual elements. CREATIVE THINKING Lead brainstorming sessions to facilitate conceptual thinking and adopt a strategic and human-centric approach to problem solving. PROTOTYPING Create prototypes that ranges from low-fidelity using pencil and paper, to mid and high-fidelity clickable experience that can be used for testing. CREATIVE DESIGN SOFTWARE Learn Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, InVision, Principle, and get an introduction to InDesign. BRANDING & MARKETING Create conceptual campaigns and design the elements of a great visual identity and style-guide: logo, corporate colours, typographic rules, etc. ICONOGRAPHY Learn how to effectively communicate through iconography, and design pixel perfect icons using illustrator.
